red broken car on a red towing truck

The Main Categories of Distracted Driving

We can never underestimate how crucial focus is. In any kind of work, focus allows the most productive engagement and keeps everyone safe. This extends to the road. In the US for example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 8 peopl...

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How to Avoid Car Accidents

As a professional provider of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Towing in Illinois, part of our job is to remind drivers of important road safety techniques to help them avoid getting into car accidents. Which is why today, we at Patterson Towing LLC are sharing a ...

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What to Do During a Sudden Brake Failure

Brake failures — especially ones that happen while driving — are a major safety risk. And although we all wish that it never happens to us, it’s important that we should always be prepared, just in case. Today, we at Patterson Towing LLC, a tru...

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Why Electric Car Drivers Might Need Roadside Assistance

An increasing amount of people are transitioning to using electric cars in the United States. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, just over 1.4 million plug-in electric cars have sold in the US as of 2019 — with about 60% of those...

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Common Misconceptions About Towing Services

Towing services have a bad rep and are considered a nuisance because of people’s frustrations over getting their vehicles towed when illegally parked. However, there’s more to gain from Towing Services in Centreville, Illinois, that many don’t ...

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How to Avoid Reckless Drivers Who Text and Drive

According to the National Safety Council, cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes every year, with 390,000 of these crashes resulting in injuries. Despite these terrifying statistics, there are still so many drivers who continue to ...

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